PMEA District 5 is proud to support the efforts of music programs, teachers, and students by providing a number of awards and scholarships. Check out the details and application information below for this year's offerings!
Student Music Education Scholarship
Student Summer Scholarship
New Member Program
Teacher Resource Grant
Modern Band Starter Kit
Teacher Scholarship
Student Music Education Scholarship
Each year, District 5 awards three (3) college scholarships to Senior participants at the District 5 Festivals who have plans for a career in Music Education.
Award Amounts: $2000, $1750, and $1500
Detailed Information Flyer (PDF):
Online Application:
Application Deadline: Friday, December 1, 2023
Student Summer Scholarship
PMEA District 5 is offering a limited number of scholarships to students of its active members for the enrichment of their music education through summer programs.
Award Amount: Up to 100% of the registration cost for the workshop, but no more than $200 per student.
Detailed Information Flyer (PDF):
Online Application:
Application Deadline: Saturday, June 1, 2024
New Member Program
In an effort to encourage membership in PMEA, District 5 is covering the cost of annual dues for selected music educators who are in their first 3 years of being a PMEA member. We recognize that membership dues can be cost-prohibitive to some music teachers, and many times, new teachers begin their careers in less-resourced schools who do not cover the cost of membership.
Award Amount: Cost of Annual PMEA Membership Dues
Detailed Information Flyer (PDF):
Online Application:
Application Deadline: Friday, December 1, 2023
Teacher Resource Grant
PMEA District 5 offers a limited number of Teaching Resource Grants to its active members to help enhance the quality of education they are providing to their students.
Award Amount: Maximum of $500
Detailed Information Flyer (PDF):
Online Application:
Application Deadline: Friday, December 1, 2023
Modern Band Starter Kit
For one year only, PMEA District 5 is giving away a “Modern Band Starter Kit” to one of its members as a way to support the state’s Modern Band initiative. This kit will be provided to a teacher who is looking to begin a modern band program in their classroom, whether it’s through a general music curriculum or a modern
band-specific elective offering.
Award Amount: Equipment and resources for a Modern Band ensemble (valued at $5,000)
Detailed Information Flyer (PDF):
Online Application:
Application Deadline: Friday, December 1, 2023
Teacher Scholarship
PMEA District 5 is offering a limited number of scholarships to its active members to help enhance the quality of education they are providing to their students. Scholarships may be used towards enrollment in a college class, certification program, or workshop.
Award Amount: Maximum of $500
Detailed Information Flyer (PDF):
Online Application:
Application Deadline: Monday, July 1, 2024